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Our Facility

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Training Center Logo Scrambled Design

About Us

The Mid Valley Regional Fire Training Center opened in August of 2016, sits on approximately 12 acres south west of the City of Sanger. The facility is the primary training site for CAL FIRE Fresno Kings Unit and the Fresno County Fire Protection District. 


Chief Officer in Class A uniform.  American flag and Department flag in background


Andy Cosentino, Battalion Chief

Training Chief and site manager










The land is owned and operated by the Fresno County Fire Protection District. The on-site facilities and training props include:

training center image taken from drone high above the facility
  • Administration Building – 1,440 square feet
  • Classroom 1 – 1,440 square feet, seating for 45 students
  • Classroom 2 – 960 square feet, seating for 35 students
  • Classroom 3 - 1920 square feet, seating for 65 students
  • Bathroom Buildings
  • Burn Tower –  4 stories
  • Pump House – 1000 GPM support 5 internal hydrants
  • Multiple Props for Live Fire operations
  • CSFM certified Confined Space Prop
  • Several vertical ventilation props, ground mounted and elevated
  • Vehicle Extrication
  • Firefighter Survival Maze
  • High Angle Rescue capabilities
  • Driver Course
  • Historical Archives and Museum artifacts from our Departments History 

The facility sponsors courses in Incident Command System (ICS) and specialized training in accordance with CAL FIRE, National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) and California State Fire Training curriculum throughout the calendar year.


Code of Professional Conduct 

It is important that all students conduct themselves in a professional and respectful manner at all times. Each student is expected to understand and follow the Rules of Conduct as outlined in this document.


Students are expected to conduct themselves professionally at all times and treat all people with dignity and respect. Harassment, insulting behavior, insubordination or violations of any state, federal or local law may be grounds for discipline by the students sponsoring agency, up to and including dismissal.

Safety is the most important aspect of any training. Students and Instructors will conduct a safety briefing prior to any drills and/or exercises.  A Job Hazard Analysis and Codes of Safe Practices for drills and/or exercises will be available on site within the IIPP Book.


Fraternization is defined as the kind of relation that transgresses legal, moral or professional norms forbidding certain categories of social contact across socially or legally defined classes. The term often tends to connote impropriety, unprofessionalism or unethical behavior. Fraternization between staff and students will not be permitted while students are assigned to training. Fraternization is inappropriate in the training environment for several reasons. Students are required to maintain discipline while at the training center and conform to all rules and regulations found within this document. Staff interaction with students outside of the instructional environment can create the appearance of impropriety and the perception of favoritism. Fraternization weakens the integrity of the training center and will not be tolerated.


There will be zero tolerance for students who instigate or participate in improper practical joking and hazing or who use demeaning terms, abusive or profane language or actions that have the effect of creating an unprofessional and/or disruptive work environment. The question of whether the conduct is offensive is judged from the perspective of the recipient, rather than the intention of the perpetrator.

These activities may constitute discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA). They also may be prohibited under Government Code Section 19570, et. al. Such activities are unprofessional and inappropriate and violate the Rules of Conduct and this policy section.


Students will show respect for instructors. Discussion between students and instructors will be respectful at all times.

Students will be in the class and ready for class to start at the designated time. The instructor controls duration and frequency of breaks, absences, safety messages and overall accountability of the class.


We strive to provide all students with a safe, healthy, and productive work environment.  Intimidation, threats, assaults, and acts of violence in the workplace or affecting the work situation are unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

Any student and/ or visitor who intimidates threatens, or takes violent actions against others will be subject to dismissal and/or immediate notification to the students sponsoring agency.


It is against federal and state law for any employee to sexually harass another. Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination that deprives the recipient of equal employment opportunities. Sexual harassment may be overt or subtle. Behavior that is tolerated in a social setting may not be appropriate in the workplace. Sexual harassment complaints may be substantiated by the complainant’s perception of the situation, and may include conduct that is sexually based, even if the conduct is not overtly sexual. This may include hostile behavior such as bullying, threats made in a joking manner, and conduct that is perceived as threatening by one gender, even if it is not perceived as such by the other.


This facility recognizes and complies with all of the provisions of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). If a student has a learning disability requiring assistance in test taking, they are responsible for notifying the Course Coordinator utilizing the Reasonable Accommodation process as outlined in this document. Reporting a learning disability and requesting assistance is the responsibility of the student. Accommodations provided may include:

  • Additional time to test
  • A quiet area, free from distractions

If a student needs additional reasonable accommodation it will granted in accordance with Department reasonable accommodation policies on a case by case basis.

All test scores obtained prior to being granted assistance will stand. Students will not have an opportunity to retake an exam based on the need for reasonable accommodation.

Emergency Procedures 


In the event of an illness or injury, the student shall report it to the course coordinator or facility staff immediately. Reportable illnesses/injuries are those that require professional medical treatment, or that may inhibit, hinder, or interfere with the student’s ability to perform assigned tasks or participate in a training session.


Staff and/or students will render First Aid and/or basic life support within the scope and level of their training.

If a student needs further medical assistance they may be sent to a nearby medical facility.


  • Call 9-1-1
  • Notify the instructor or Course Coordinator


  • By phone –           9-1-1
  • Address –           9594 E. American Ave, Del Rey, Ca
  • By radio –           Contact “FRESNO” ECC on District 1 Tone 01
  • Notify Course Coordinator


  • Administrative Office: #559-888-2403
  • Course Coordinator (TBD)
  • FKU / FCFPD Training Bureau Battalion Chief: #559-888-2403
  • FCFPD Fire Station 82: #559-888-2898
  • FKU/FCFPD ECC: #559-294-0400 (24 hour line)


This facility is in Fresno County, near the Community of Del Rey, and is protected by the Fresno County Fire Protection District.

  • Phone: 9-1-1
  • Phone: Fresno County Fire Training Center
  • Phone: Fresno Kings Unit HQ         559-493-4300


  • Follow the evacuation plan of your specific location. Evacuation plans are posted at every exit.
  • All engines are complimented with basic firefighting equipment and will be used for facility protection
  • Ensure PAR within all classes, per Accountability Procedure


Report all criminal activity. DO NOT physically engage any persons suspected of criminal activity. If you suspect that a crime is in progress or has taken place, take the following action:

  • Phone: 9-1-1
  • Notify Course Coordinator
  • Notify ECC
  • Stay out of the crime scene area
  • Administer first aid
  • Secure the Facility
Grooming Standards 

Students will comply with grooming standards whenever they are on duty, or in uniform, or while operating equipment.

Hair will be in accordance with the following criteria:

  • Neat, clean, trimmed and present a groomed appearance.
  • Hair does not extend below the bottom of the uniform shirt collar when the employee is standing erect as to interfere with safety equipment.
  • Students are not to preclude the proper wearing and performance of the approved safety helmet or the proper sealing of the face mask of the self-contained breathing apparatus.

Earrings Exception:

Optional earring may only be worn but must conform to the following standards:

  • Metallic only – no stones, gems or non-metallic materials.
  • Color of earrings shall match the badge and button trim of the uniform (i.e. Gold – Chief Officers, Silver – Non-Chief Officers) and shall have a smooth, plain finish.
  • Earrings shall be worn in matching pairs, one per ear and worn in the ear lobe only.
Student Rules of Conduct 
  1. Possession of firearms, non-lethal chemical agents or any deadly weapon is forbidden on training center property. The only exceptions to this rule will be for authorized peace officers.
  2. The use of intoxicating beverages or dangerous and restricted drugs is forbidden on training center property.
  3. Employees are expected to present a neat, clean, well-groomed appearance at all times. Occasional dirty work is not an excuse for lack of personal cleanliness.
  4. Buildings and grounds will be kept neat, clean and attractive at all times.
  5. Students / employees have a personal responsibility in the use and care of tools and equipment. Tools will be cleaned and returned to their proper places after use.
  6. Both male and female students will be accorded socially acceptable privacy in classrooms, bathrooms and field environments. Employees will always respect the rights and privacy of others. This will include:
  7. Appropriate attire for exercising, changing into safety clothing or other regular activities; and
  8. In areas where both men and women are present, nudity will not be permitted.
  9. The use of vulgarity, sexually suggestive comments or gestures, whether intended to be offensive or not, the display of explicit obscene photographs, pictures or posters or the use of any audio/visual equipment to produce such vulgarity will not be permitted.
  10. There will be ZERO TOLERANCE for cheating on any exam, written or If a student is found to be cheating they will be immediately dismissed and a letter explaining their dismissal. This policy applies to all aspects of the course, not just the testing program.
General Information 


Smoking and the use of chewing tobacco are not permitted under the following circumstances;

  • In offices, bathrooms, class rooms, garages and training buildings
  • In atriums, balconies, stairwells, and other similar building features
  • During instructional time on the training grounds
  • Within 20 feet horizontally or vertically of a main exit, exterior entrance, operable window, or air intake opening of a public building

The end-products of tobacco use (e.g., ashes, cigarette butts, spit) shall be disposed of by appropriate means outside of buildings and vehicles, unless it is unsafe to do so, not on landscaped, gravel or paved surfaces.


Personal communication devices are only authorized after class hours or on breaks.  The use of these devices during course time will be outlined in the pre course material and/or by the instructor.


While at this facility please conserve energy. Turn off all unnecessary lights, heaters and air conditioners when not in a room.


Students may not acquire items from the storage areas unless directed to do so by training center staff.


Students may be authorized to use laptop computers for note taking, report writing, research, accessing workbooks, documents and instructor handout materials.

Certain tests and exams may be administered using laptop computers. Students will adhere strictly to all rules and regulations associated with testing. Any compromise or misuse of computers during the administration of a test may be considered cheating and grounds for removal from the course.

There is Wi-Fi access for personal laptop computers this information will be provided during the class orientation.

Mission Statement 

Provide the highest quality training, instruction, and evaluation to our members and students. The curriculum is based on accredited national standards provided through the collaborative effort of public safety subject matter experts, educational professionals, and emergency response personnel from throughout the region and state.  As such, we are committed to meeting the dynamic demands placed on our emergency response personnel which ultimately results in superior emergency services to the Public.

Training Bureau Administrative Staff 

The Fresno Kings Unit Training Bureau is assigned out of the Mid Valley Regional Fire Training Center facility located in Del Rey, Ca.  The Training Bureau is staffed with (1) Battalion Chief, (4) Fire Captains, (1) Administrative Assistant.  Additional personnel are assigned to the Training Bureau utilizing Cadres and Working Groups to support curriculum development, course delivery, and technical assistance throughout the year.



Andy Cosentino
Battalion Chief, Training Bureau

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